Insurance Intermediaries

Regulatory Changes across multiple domestic and international regulators can be tracked and actioned and, of critical importance, governance across the entire committee structure can be enhanced using the Board and Committees module. 

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My Compliance Centre supports the wide range of compliance activities carried out by Insurance Intermediaries.

Insurance Intermediaries have a wide range of compliance responsibilities to deliver.  My Compliance Centre offers unparalleled support to insurance compliance teams in managing these responsibilities.

For example, our FileChecker module offers full support for the entirety of the File Review process, allowing compliance teams to create and deploy unlimited file reviews for all types of client sale.

Our Compliance Monitoring module offers full control over the end to end compliance monitoring process, and Financial Promotions can be simply approved or enhanced using a tool that benefits your marketing and compliance teams.  Employee compliance ie enhanced using the attestations module for fit and proper or policy attestations.

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