
My Compliance Centre was written by Compliance experts, for compliance experts. It has the widest range of compliance functions in the market, designed to assist you enhance and automate those processes that take you the most time.

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My Compliance Centre is an automated compliance management system within a single integrated platform. It supports the widest range of compliance functions in the market.

By providing comprehensive support for compliance operations, SMCR and employee compliance, compliance teams are able to access all of their core data within a single place and control key compliance processes at the click of a button.

Effective Task Management supports all of these activities by ensuring that every team member and employee knows exactly what they need to do, and when by, thereby sufficiently enhancing the efficiency of all compliance activities.

Browse our solution areas below to find out more.


Compliance Operations

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Employee Compliance

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Consumer Duty

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How It Works

My Compliance Centre has been designed by compliance experts for compliance experts, with the widest compliance functions in the market.  The My Compliance Centre system has been designed for maximum usability and effectiveness. 

The Modules

My Compliance Centre has a wide range of system modules. System users may use as many or as few modules as they need. 

Workflow Enbabled

Introduce approvals & reviews to key processes and create a smooth workflow between the compliance team and all other colleagues.

All In One Place

Save time and increase resilience by storing all your key data in one place.

Permanent Audit Trail

Move your audit trail from e-mails to an interactive system with simple search facilities and a permanent record of all activity.

Integrated Task Management

Review all compliance tasks on a consolidated basis, or by company, team or individual.  Enable auto follow-up to save time and manage outstanding tasks by exception.

Comprehensive Reporting Options

View the real time status of your compliance using inbuilt dashboards. Export data to Excel, use inbuilt system reports or use our API to export data into your reporting system.

Role Based Access to each Module

Provide every employee with the level of access to system modules that each individual needs, restricting access where required or providing management access for those that need it.

Multi Company Groups

Use our group functionality to manage the compliance of as many legal entities as you want. Provide each individual access to just the companies relevant to them.

Flexible Configuration

Set up the system to work with your existing workflow and approval processes. Implement your own compliance framework and configure system drop downs and reminders as you want them.

API Enabled

Use our API for enhanced reporting or to integrate My Compliance Centre with existing systems.

Email Reminders

Configure email wording for your environment and culture. Send reminders at the frequency that will work for your business.

Straightforward Implementation Process

Use our simple and structured process to implement My Compliance Centre in line with your priorities and workload. Gain the highest time savings and benefits quickly.

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